Fred the Elfling interviews Fred the Elfling


Fred: Who the heck is Fred the elfling and what have you got to do with the Tales of Tiberius?


Mr. Elfling: I’m a reporter that lives in the fairy lands.  I’m going to talk to some of the people involved with the events depicted in the Tales of Tiberius and try and fill in a bit of the background for you. 


Fred: What the heck is an elfling?

Mr. Elfling:  A short elf.  You must have noticed there is more than one kind of elf.  Elfling is a technical term for the shorter type of elf, as distinguished from the taller wood elf. 


Fred: You’re a reporter?!

Mr. Elfling: We can’t all make cookies, shoes, or be dentists.


Fred: Why you?

Mr. Elfling: Well, Mr. Stuart has done a remarkable job putting together the major events and stories.  But someone’s got to be on the scene to ask the tough questions. 



Fred: So you’re going to interview people connected with the Tales of Tiberius?  How is that going to work exactly?  You sit down with these people and tell them you want to do a brief interview with them for the internet?  Isn’t that going to raise a few eyebrows?  Especially seeing as a computer would burst into magical flames if you tried to use one in the Anderheim?


Mr. Elfling: I wasn’t actually going to mention the internet part.  I’ll just tell people that it’s for a magazine.  The printing press was invented in 1436 over one hundred and fifty years before the founding of the Stewardship.  Of course some people in the Stewardship have at least heard of the internet and computers.  Wizards mostly. 


Fred: Isn’t this going to give away the story?  I mean if you’re talking to someone, they must have lived though the novel, right?

Mr. Elfling: Not necessarily.  It’s not beyond a bit of elf magic to interview a dead person.  Odysseus did it, I don’t see why I can’t.  Anyway I’m trying to ask questions you wouldn’t typically have time for in a novel.  Things like, what’s your favorite food, what’s the latest gossip, that sort of thing.


Fred: So you’re going to be sort of a Gossip columnist for the Stewardship?

Mr. Elfling: Right.  As accurate as any other feature columnist you’ve read.


Fred: So your column will be filled with inaccuracies, misquotes, out of context statements and the occasional outright lie?

Mr. Elfling: Hey! Look pal I’m a serious reporter…


Fred: Gosh that’s all the space we have for today.  Check back next month for another fascinating interview.


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Artwork Copyright Theresa Flaherty 2011