The Tales of Tiberius - Notes on the complete Saga.

There are many stories planned or written in first draft status in "The Tales of Tiberius".  Just so you can keep things straight I'm listing a bit of a timeline and list of the major incidents in the career of Tiberius below.  When possible I've listed the planned volume number also.  I'd call it the "Tiberius Trilogy," but I'm already past three stories. 

Why a volume 3.5?  "An Elvish Christmas and the Secret of Santa Claus contains three stories.  They are all from different time periods, so there is no neat volume number.     

Some of this information is redacted to avoid spoilers.  e.g. I know exactly what Maci was doing in early SR 317, I'm just not saying right now. 

 Timeline ("SR" is the Steward's reckoning, used since about 1600 AD, as time passes differently in the fairy lands)



Publication status

Elves destroy the Spider Lords

SR -5


Stewardship founding in Port Elizabeth

SR 0


Stewardship merges with Roman settlement

SR 55


War with the Witch Queens of the north

SR 273-SR 276


Tiberius Fuller is born

SR 281, January 11


Path of the Magi

SR 296-SR 310

Volume 1, Available now.

Christmas with a Ghost

SR 305

Volume 3.5, Available now

Incident with the Dwarf King

SR 310-SR 311

Volume 2, Being written

Incident with a vampire

SR 312

Possible play

Darras marriage, incident with the Student magician

SR 313

Volume 3, Novella exists

Cinderella 2.0

SR 314

Available now.  Tales of Tiberius: Cinderella 2.0

Elvish Christmas

SR 315

Volume 3.5, Available now

Tales of Tiberius: The Virgin and the Necromancer

SR 316

Volume 4, Almost published in 2004, 2nd draft pending

Maci visits Dwarf King, Assassinates Ogre

SR 316 Fall


Maci on secret mission to undisclosed location

SR 317 Early

No comment

Incident with “The Professor,”  Maci meets Tiffany

SR 317 Summer

Volume 5, TBA

Secret mission for the Dwarf King

SR 318 Summer

No comment, I did say it was a SECRET mission?

Secret of Santa Clause

SR 318 Winter

Volume 3.5, Available now





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