It’s hard to know how to label my stuff sometimes. I’m aware that my fantasy writing has a strong Christian perspective, but I’ve been cautious about labeling it as “Christian” fantasy. That’s because I’m well aware that some Christians don’t want to see ANY occult elements. Part of what I think makes Tiberius interesting is that he doesn’t fit neatly into any categories. He’s a Christian who is using magic which, lets face it, is against the rules. Judging by my reviews and comments I’ve gone a bit overboard in not calling attention to Christian elements. In my defense calling Tiberius a “Magi” was not an accident and that was intended to be a Biblical reference. Apparently that was too subtle and I guess it doesn’t show up that the book was, from the first, listed in the Christian fantasy section.
I’ve updated the books official description. Hopefully that will be a more accurate description of the book to potential readers. Still waiting for my first review calling me a Satan worshiper. I know that’s coming.