I assume everyone who cares has seen or read Harry Potter 7.2 by now so it’s safe to comment. Not everyone was happy with the death of Fred Weasley. For those of you who are unhappy, I’d just like to introduce you to a technique we writers call “writing the next scene.” Here are some possible lines for following opening scene for Harry Potter 8:
Harry: “Fred! You’re alive?! How is that possible?! They saw you die! No magic can bring anyone back from the dead.
Fred’s line (Pick one)
1) Until now! Eureka!
2) You saw what Voldermort wanted you to see.
3) Perhaps you’ve heard of Polyjuice potion?
4) I was mostly dead, yes.
5) Sorry to deceive you but it was important.
6) Clones Harry, I’m afraid there is one of you as well.
7) I see no one told you about my evil triplicate.
8.) Clever of Professor McGonagall to transform that death eaters body into a copy of my own.
9) The Grail, Harry, it’s power is beyond any magic. We’ve got to get it back.
10) Thank goodness you had the resurrection stone with you Harry, you see there is a way it can work.
I think my favorite is number one, but pick your own and run with it.