Poll #2 Swordfish or Martin T4M?

I have an idea for a story with a 1930 ish Carrier. The Carrier is a small one, about 9.000 Tons about 30 aircraft. So that would be 12 Boeing F4B’s, 8 Curtiss F8/02C’s and 8…hmm. Well the logical US plane is the Martin T4M, but it’s kind of an ugly plane if you ask me. I’m tempted to use the Fairly Swordfish instead. Ok that’s out of period, slightly. It’s a 1936 plane, not a 1929 plane. But the stats really aren’t bad for a 1929 plane. The Swordfish wasn’t exaclty the plane of the future when they made it. Dunno would it really be so bad to swap in the Swordfish for the Martin? Any Martin T4M fans out there?

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