Ultimate Goblins

I watched a couple of episodes of the Ultimate Warrior recently. A good example of how ‘experts’ can get it wrong. They did an amazing job analyzing the factors they looked at. Unfortunately they ignored obvious vital information that made their conclusions laughable. e.g. experts conclude the Comanche is a better warrior than the Mongol, ignoring the fact the Mongol bow has nearly double the range of the Comanche weapon. A worse example was concluding the Indian long sword was better than the Roman short sword. They ignored the fact that the Roman weapon is designed to be used in tight packed formations. Historically the Roman Legions obliterated troops using long cutting swords. Great example of asking the wrong questions leading to getting the wrong answers.

Which isn’t to say there wasn’t some very interesting data in that show. I like the Comanche ax for a Goblin weapon. Cheap, and effective, a poor raiders weapon. Perfect for goblins.

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